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Assets Under Management

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Assets Under Management

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Assets Under Management

In Deutschland reguliertes Wertpapierinstitut

Ginmon ist ein in Deutschland reguliertes Wertpapierinstitut, das von der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) und der Deutschen Bundesbank zugelassen wurde und beaufsichtigt wird. Damit unterliegt Ginmon der strengsten Aufsicht in Europa.

Auszahlungen nur auf Referenzkonto

Auszahlungen vom Ginmon Konto werden ausschließlich auf ein durch Sie hinterlegtes Referenzkonto, welches auf Ihren Namen läuft, ausgeführt. Weder Ginmon noch sonstige Dritte haben somit jemals Zugriff auf Ihr Vermögen.


Durch die Zwei-Faktor-Authentisierung werden sicherheitsrelevante Funktionen (z.b. Adressänderungen, Referenzkontoänderungen etc.) nur in Kombination mit Ihrem Smartphone möglich. Sollte Ihr Passwort also jemals in falsche Hände geraten, so dient dies als effektiver Schutz für Ihr Konto und Vermögen.

Modernste Technik auf deutschen Servern

Für maximale Sicherheit nutzen wir SSL-Verschlüsselung auf Bankenstandard. Unsere Server stehen in Deutschland und sämtliche Daten unterliegen den höchsten deutschen und europäischen Datenschutzstandards.

Renommierte Partner

Die Verwahrung Ihrer Geldanlage und die Abwicklung von Wertpapieren erfolgen in Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten europäischen Großbanken sowie erstklassigen Partnern wie DAB BNP Paribas Bank, ABN AMRO, Clearstream Deutsche Börse und Upvest. Alle Partner unterliegen strengen nationalen und EU-weiten Vorschriften, die den Schutz von Geldeinlagen sicherstellen.

Keine Kontrahenten-Risiken

Auch bei der Auswahl an ETFs achten wir auf maximale Sicherheit. Sofern es strukturell nicht unvermeidbar ist (z.b. rollierende Rohstoff-ETF) setzen wir stets auf physisch replizierende ETFs statt Swap-basierte ETFs. Außerdem akzeptieren wir nur minimale Wertpapierleihe (⌀ max. 20% NAV) mit mind. 100% Absicherung innerhalb der ETFs.

Any questions?

What are capital-forming benefits?

Capital-forming benefits (VL or VWL) are cash benefits from the employer, either on a voluntary basis or based on a regulation in the collective or employment contract. The money gift from the employer must be paid into a specific form of investment.

The employer can add up to €40 per month to your gross salary. Whether and how much your employer pays is usually regulated in the employment or collective agreement

What is the advantage of an ETF savings plan over building loan contracts / bank deposits?

Due to the current interest rate situation, building loan contracts and bank deposits hardly yield any returns. It is therefore advisable to invest the capital-forming benefits on the capital market, as is the case with Ginmon. After all, your savings should continue to increase in the long term.

What are the total costs that I will incur?

Your total costs relate to your respective portfolio volume and are calculated from:

  • The All-In Service Fee (0.75% p.a.)

  • + ETF Fee of the respective fund provider (Global Strategy: 0.17% p.a. or Green Strategy: 0.23% p.a.)

In total, you will always pay less than 1 % p.a.! You will not incur any additional costs (e.g., for opening an account, closing an account, etc.)

What do I have to do to start?

To find out if you receive capital-forming benefits, check with your human resources department or check your employment or collective agreement.

If your employer pays you VL, open your VL account with Ginmon. After opening an account, you will automatically receive a document on which you will find the IBAN of the account.

You pass this document on to your employer and let the VL payments go to your deposit.

I already have a VL contract but would prefer to use Ginmon VL

You can easily change your VL contract.

You inform your employer that the capital-forming benefits should now be paid into Ginmon VL. You will, of course, receive written notification of this from us.

In this case, the first VL contract is no longer saved and the capital-forming benefits are credited to Ginmon VL. You can have the old VL contract paid out after the blocking period has expired.

What happens to the VL account when changing employers?

You can easily transfer the capital-forming benefit payments to your new employer.

If your new employer does not offer any capital-forming benefits, you can ask your employer to pay the other contributions from your net salary into the VL account. Our service is always ready to support you.

Any questions?

What are capital-forming benefits?

Capital-forming benefits (VL or VWL) are cash benefits from the employer, either on a voluntary basis or based on a regulation in the collective or employment contract. The money gift from the employer must be paid into a specific form of investment.

The employer can add up to €40 per month to your gross salary. Whether and how much your employer pays is usually regulated in the employment or collective agreement

What is the advantage of an ETF savings plan over building loan contracts / bank deposits?

Due to the current interest rate situation, building loan contracts and bank deposits hardly yield any returns. It is therefore advisable to invest the capital-forming benefits on the capital market, as is the case with Ginmon. After all, your savings should continue to increase in the long term.

What are the total costs that I will incur?

Your total costs relate to your respective portfolio volume and are calculated from:

  • The All-In Service Fee (0.75% p.a.)

  • + ETF Fee of the respective fund provider (Global Strategy: 0.17% p.a. or Green Strategy: 0.23% p.a.)

In total, you will always pay less than 1 % p.a.! You will not incur any additional costs (e.g., for opening an account, closing an account, etc.)

What do I have to do to start?

To find out if you receive capital-forming benefits, check with your human resources department or check your employment or collective agreement.

If your employer pays you VL, open your VL account with Ginmon. After opening an account, you will automatically receive a document on which you will find the IBAN of the account.

You pass this document on to your employer and let the VL payments go to your deposit.

I already have a VL contract but would prefer to use Ginmon VL

You can easily change your VL contract.

You inform your employer that the capital-forming benefits should now be paid into Ginmon VL. You will, of course, receive written notification of this from us.

In this case, the first VL contract is no longer saved and the capital-forming benefits are credited to Ginmon VL. You can have the old VL contract paid out after the blocking period has expired.

What happens to the VL account when changing employers?

You can easily transfer the capital-forming benefit payments to your new employer.

If your new employer does not offer any capital-forming benefits, you can ask your employer to pay the other contributions from your net salary into the VL account. Our service is always ready to support you.

Any questions?

What are capital-forming benefits?

Capital-forming benefits (VL or VWL) are cash benefits from the employer, either on a voluntary basis or based on a regulation in the collective or employment contract. The money gift from the employer must be paid into a specific form of investment.

The employer can add up to €40 per month to your gross salary. Whether and how much your employer pays is usually regulated in the employment or collective agreement

What is the advantage of an ETF savings plan over building loan contracts / bank deposits?

Due to the current interest rate situation, building loan contracts and bank deposits hardly yield any returns. It is therefore advisable to invest the capital-forming benefits on the capital market, as is the case with Ginmon. After all, your savings should continue to increase in the long term.

What are the total costs that I will incur?

Your total costs relate to your respective portfolio volume and are calculated from:

  • The All-In Service Fee (0.75% p.a.)

  • + ETF Fee of the respective fund provider (Global Strategy: 0.17% p.a. or Green Strategy: 0.23% p.a.)

In total, you will always pay less than 1 % p.a.! You will not incur any additional costs (e.g., for opening an account, closing an account, etc.)

What do I have to do to start?

To find out if you receive capital-forming benefits, check with your human resources department or check your employment or collective agreement.

If your employer pays you VL, open your VL account with Ginmon. After opening an account, you will automatically receive a document on which you will find the IBAN of the account.

You pass this document on to your employer and let the VL payments go to your deposit.

I already have a VL contract but would prefer to use Ginmon VL

You can easily change your VL contract.

You inform your employer that the capital-forming benefits should now be paid into Ginmon VL. You will, of course, receive written notification of this from us.

In this case, the first VL contract is no longer saved and the capital-forming benefits are credited to Ginmon VL. You can have the old VL contract paid out after the blocking period has expired.

What happens to the VL account when changing employers?

You can easily transfer the capital-forming benefit payments to your new employer.

If your new employer does not offer any capital-forming benefits, you can ask your employer to pay the other contributions from your net salary into the VL account. Our service is always ready to support you.

Any questions?

What are capital-forming benefits?

Capital-forming benefits (VL or VWL) are cash benefits from the employer, either on a voluntary basis or based on a regulation in the collective or employment contract. The money gift from the employer must be paid into a specific form of investment.

The employer can add up to €40 per month to your gross salary. Whether and how much your employer pays is usually regulated in the employment or collective agreement

What is the advantage of an ETF savings plan over building loan contracts / bank deposits?

Due to the current interest rate situation, building loan contracts and bank deposits hardly yield any returns. It is therefore advisable to invest the capital-forming benefits on the capital market, as is the case with Ginmon. After all, your savings should continue to increase in the long term.

What are the total costs that I will incur?

Your total costs relate to your respective portfolio volume and are calculated from:

  • The All-In Service Fee (0.75% p.a.)

  • + ETF Fee of the respective fund provider (Global Strategy: 0.17% p.a. or Green Strategy: 0.23% p.a.)

In total, you will always pay less than 1 % p.a.! You will not incur any additional costs (e.g., for opening an account, closing an account, etc.)

What do I have to do to start?

To find out if you receive capital-forming benefits, check with your human resources department or check your employment or collective agreement.

If your employer pays you VL, open your VL account with Ginmon. After opening an account, you will automatically receive a document on which you will find the IBAN of the account.

You pass this document on to your employer and let the VL payments go to your deposit.

I already have a VL contract but would prefer to use Ginmon VL

You can easily change your VL contract.

You inform your employer that the capital-forming benefits should now be paid into Ginmon VL. You will, of course, receive written notification of this from us.

In this case, the first VL contract is no longer saved and the capital-forming benefits are credited to Ginmon VL. You can have the old VL contract paid out after the blocking period has expired.

What happens to the VL account when changing employers?

You can easily transfer the capital-forming benefit payments to your new employer.

If your new employer does not offer any capital-forming benefits, you can ask your employer to pay the other contributions from your net salary into the VL account. Our service is always ready to support you.